
French Horn – It Is Easier to Be a Great Player (Musicians)(Psychology)(Pain)(Strain)(Injuries)(Posture)(Alexander Technique)(Albuquerque)

This ebook, An Alexander Technique Approach to French Horn Technique, is published on this website in a PDF format. It is very detailed and practical, and it will give you the physical tools you need to take the limits off of your ability to create the accurate horn technique you want without sacrificing your body.
This ebook is also for sale on all AMAZON websites in a KINDLE format.
Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. (MOVEMENT THERAPY)
IT IS EASY TO BE A GREAT FRENCH HORN PLAYER. IT IS HARD TO NOT LET YOURSELF BE A GREAT FRENCH HORN PLAYER. I really enjoy being on the flip side of what most people believe is true. What I mean, is that “common sense” says it’s hard to become an extraordinary horn player, and it is easy to be a mediocre player.
It is the opposite! Let me explain. If you are practicing two hours or more a day, why not become extraordinary? There is a cause and effect thing happening here. What you expect of yourself on the French horn – how you practice, and whether you’re choosing the best technique (most effortless way to play), will determine whether you’re standing still as you practice, or are choosing a way to make the horn a place to fully express yourself with ease.
Whether it’s conscious or unconscious, I believe most French horn players believe it is much harder work to become a fine player, than muddle through being an average player. There are two major considerations here that show it is much harder not to be as good as you can be.
The first is, if you are an average French horn player, do you have the potential to be a great horn player. If you have the potential to be a great player, and you’re practicing consistently, and you’re hiding this from yourself, THEN YOU ARE IN PAIN.
Why? Because if you really love the French horn and its music, and you’re muddling through, isn’t this an attack on yourself? What I mean, is that if you know what you would love to hear coming out of the horn as you play, but all you’re offering yourself is pain, strain, struggle, and boring interpretations, this is incredibly unloving, when you could do infinitely better.
The second major unloving thing a French horn player can do to him or herself, is to believe it is too hard to be as good as want to be and can be. “Too hard” is based 100% on a lie. IT IS TOO HARD NOT TO PRACTICE SMART, SO THAT YOU ELIMINATE ALL OF YOUR TECHNIQUE WEAKNESSES AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, BY CHOOSING A TECHNIQUE AND POSTURE THAT MAKE THE FRENCH HORN EASY.
But this isn’t all, when it comes to beliefs that make being an extraordinary French horn player too hard. When I was an aspiring concert guitarist, I was told that I had to think about the guitar ALL OF THE TIME, if I wanted to be one of the best concert guitarists. WHAT A CRUEL THING TO TEACH A KID!
I believe there are a whole lot of French horn players out there that believe smart limited practice sessions aren’t enough. That if you want to be any good, you have to eat, sleep, drink, and think horn 24/7. I can’t think of a quicker way to burn out a French horn player, than to NEVER get away from the instrument.
When you “put the French horn down” most of the day, then it is psychologically and emotionally possible to commit 100% to effortless playing when you “pick the horn up”. Then it will be easy to be a wonderful French horn player without exhausting yourself or attacking yourself by muddling through in your designated finite practice time.