Musical Performance (Musicians)
Double Bass – Warming Up (Musicians)(Psychology)(Pain)(Strain)(Injuries)(Posture)(Alexander Technique)(Albuquerque)
This ebook, An Alexander Technique Approach to Double Bass Technique, is published on this website in a PDF format. It is very detailed and practical, and it will give you the physical tools you need to take the limits off of your ability to create the accurate bass technique you want without sacrificing your body.
This ebook is also for sale on all AMAZON websites in a KINDLE format.
Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. (MOVEMENT THERAPY)
Most of the double bass players I have worked with over the years warm up. Most of them say they are not happy with how well they play when they practice 50% of their practice time. So, three to four days out of each week most bass players are not happy with how they’re playing/practicing. This means that warming up by playing scales, arpeggios, etudes, etc. does not work half of the time. Why?
BECAUSE MOST DOUBLE BASS PLAYERS PRACTICE FOCUSING ON THE ENDS OVER THE MEANS. The Alexander Technique calls this end-gaining. END-GAINING means that the double bass player doing his or her warm-ups is focusing only on what is coming out of the bass and not taking care of him or herself.
Simply, the warm-ups are not being used as a place for the double bass player to bring him or herself into balance on the instrument. They are a place to do a daily mostly unconscious RITUAL, and hope that at the end of the warm-ups they will play well. AS I SAID, MOST BASS PLAYERS DON’T PLAY WELL AT LEAST HALF OF THE TIME.
How does the Alexander Technique solve this problem of making warming up on the double bass effective? IF AT LEAST HALF OF THE TIME THE WARM-UPS AREN’T HELPING, THEN WARMING UP IS NOT EFFECTIVE!
Here is a famous definition of insanity: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over expecting different results. This seems to be what is happening to most double bass players. They believe that warming up before playing works, because isn’t this what everybody does? And even though it doesn’t at least half of the time, this doesn’t seem to shake most bass players’ faith in warming up. They just keep warming up!
So is this faith misplaced in most double bass players? No! Why? If the intention of warming up is to take the bass player to a place each day that they can play with ease and grace, this intention is perfectly sane. IT IS HOW THE AVERAGE DOUBLE BASS PLAYER WARMS UP THAT DOESN’T WORK.
So, in an Alexander Technique session I have the bass player sit or stand, and I ask the bass player to play a scale for me for a few minutes. I ask the double bass player what they thought. Usually I get a response telling me they are NOT HAPPY with what they’re hearing.
I now ask him or her to play a scale at a very easy slow tempo. They’re usually happier with the performance. I then ask the double bass player to place all of their awareness on sitting or standing fully upright WITH EASE and not care how the scale sounds. They’re usually even happier with the playing. I now ask the bass player to focus on releasing any unnecessary tension out the hands and arms, and the double bass player is really beginning to like what he or she hears. Why?
Now, the warm-up is a place where the bass player can fully connect to what is happening in his or her body at that very moment on the bass, and can consciously choose with the Alexander Technique knowledge of what a balanced poised body is on the double bass. The bass player is now using the warm-up as a place to consistently, day after day, create physical and emotional well-being with the aid of the bass.
This approach truly turns the double bass into something you do daily into a place where you know almost every time you sit or stand to play, even if you are in a bad place, the bass can be used to lovingly return you to a good place.
So, after a warm-up where you bring your whole body into coordinated poised balance on the double bass, then making music can be what you do daily to make yourself happy almost every single day.